Many people are not ready to be business owners. They don’t have the financial literacy to balance a checkbook let alone read their balance sheet. Or they are in debt from the day they graduate high school until the day they die–forever paying interest that would be better used to generate income. If you hope… Continue reading Budgeting Guide for Entrepreneurs
Category: Business
It Doesn’t Have to Be Crazy at Work
Basecamp (formerly 37 Signals) has always spoken to entrepreneurs in a similar way as The Four Hour Workweek did. Their first two books (Getting Real and Rework) did not beat around the bush and got right to the point about what you need to do to leave the rat race and live life on your… Continue reading It Doesn’t Have to Be Crazy at Work
Your Next Five Moves
I have long held the belief that business content (conference talks, books, podcasts, blog posts) fall on a spectrum between inspirational and actionable. The very best content is both–it not only makes you want to conquer the world but tells you exactly how to do it. Often, content falls at one of the extremes. Purely… Continue reading Your Next Five Moves
Enterprise Knowledge Base (and Microsoft’s Lack Thereof)
Once businesses reach a certain size (usually when they have two or more people filling the same role–e.g. two client support people or two devops people) they realize they need a repository where they can store knowledge to be shared internally across the organization. That first knowledge base probably consists of some .doc files in… Continue reading Enterprise Knowledge Base (and Microsoft’s Lack Thereof)
Core investments for the entrepreneur
We are all always looking for ways we can move the needle and take our businesses to the next level. If you are like me you have spent countless hours bouncing between books (I do recommend The ONE Thing), podcasts (I like Entrepreneurial Thought leaders and Startups for the Rest of Us), blogs (I have… Continue reading Core investments for the entrepreneur
Y Combinator Startup School Notes
These are my notes from the last startup school that Y Combinator put on. I also have some notes from past startups schools they did when they were one day events. (1, 2, 3, 4) Lots of great inspirational and actionable content there and below. How and Why to Start A Startup Dustin Moskovitz: It is… Continue reading Y Combinator Startup School Notes
Simple scheduling for your coaching business (using Calendly)
Once you coaching business starts to gain some traction you might find scheduling appointments with your clients becomes increasingly difficult. Each of them has ever changing schedules as do you who is now juggling all aspects of your business (clients, marketing, bookkeeping, etc.) along with your personal life. If only you could afford an assistant… Continue reading Simple scheduling for your coaching business (using Calendly)
Your ONE thing for your next flight
I really love Gary Keller’s book The ONE Thing. It is a little long-winded but the idea it presents is very powerful: “What is the ONE thing you can do right now that will make everything else easier?” Putting this idea into practice forces you to consistently work on what is important and what will… Continue reading Your ONE thing for your next flight
Quick Guide to Building a Website and Audience for Your Coaching Business
First of all I want to say congratulations for taking the daring leap of faith that is entrepreneurship. I’m sure you’ll find it a journey that is incredibly rewarding as well as very frustrating. I know I do. As you are aware the first step for building up an audience for your coaching business is… Continue reading Quick Guide to Building a Website and Audience for Your Coaching Business
Creating processes to become a great entrepreneur
Great entrepreneurs don’t have better ideas, they have better processes. Eric Ries This quote is not suggesting that great entrepreneurs are building successful businesses out of terrible ideas. What it is saying is that what makes businesses successful, and the entrepreneurs that found them great, is execution. Developing processes and executing them is what allows… Continue reading Creating processes to become a great entrepreneur