Basecamp (formerly 37 Signals) has always spoken to entrepreneurs in a similar way as The Four Hour Workweek did. Their first two books (Getting Real and Rework) did not beat around the bush and got right to the point about what you need to do to leave the rat race and live life on your… Continue reading It Doesn’t Have to Be Crazy at Work
Category: Books
Your Next Five Moves
I have long held the belief that business content (conference talks, books, podcasts, blog posts) fall on a spectrum between inspirational and actionable. The very best content is both–it not only makes you want to conquer the world but tells you exactly how to do it. Often, content falls at one of the extremes. Purely… Continue reading Your Next Five Moves
A Digital Afterlife
I read three novels in the past year and a half that explored the concept of a digital afterlife. I had been aware it was a plot point in Neal Stephenson’s Fall: or, Dodge in Hell but was surprised to see it come up in the other books as their descriptions did not indicate that… Continue reading A Digital Afterlife
True tales of hackers, crackers, and the Feds playing both sides
I grew up as a computer nerd catching the end of the BBS era and the dawn of the World Wide Web right about the time I started high school. Much time was spent using Qmodem to access local BBSs, play Legend of the Red Dragon, download shareware, and eventually browse Usenet. I idolized hackers… Continue reading True tales of hackers, crackers, and the Feds playing both sides
Walkaway: a vision of a post-capitalist future
Walkaway felt like an ambitious book, not so much in the story it tells, but in the ideas it explores. It poses questions about society, self, and wealth but, in this reader’s opinion, the exploration of those ideas never uncovers acceptable answers. One way of describing Walkaway would be an inverse Atlas Shrugged. In Ayn… Continue reading Walkaway: a vision of a post-capitalist future
Principles by Ray Dalio
(This is one of a series of posts about productivity books and the lessons I took from them. The series is: Getting Things Done, A Sense of Urgency, The ONE Thing, and Principles.) This book, Principles by Ray Dalio, has to be one of the most recommended business books of the last decade. Even before… Continue reading Principles by Ray Dalio
Most recommended books on entrepreneurial podcasts
I used to be a voracious consumer of podcasts for entrepreneurs (and took notes on many of them) and still try to listen to them as time allows. I also love reading business books and am always looking for recommendations. These books are the most recommended ones on the podcasts that I listen to. (contains… Continue reading Most recommended books on entrepreneurial podcasts
The End of Jobs
When I first heard about Taylor Pearson’s new book, The End of Jobs, I was worried that he had written the book that I have been researching. What I found was instead a practical book that outlines how the employment equation is changing, gives examples of people that are at the front of the wave… Continue reading The End of Jobs
The ONE Thing
(This is one of a series of posts about productivity books and the lessons I took from them. The series is: Getting Things Done, A Sense of Urgency, The ONE Thing, and Principles.) Extraordinary. If there is one word to use to describe The ONE Thing it is that. The book’s premise is to figure… Continue reading The ONE Thing
Productivity Books: Getting Things Done
(This is one of a series of posts about productivity books and the lessons I took from them. The series is: Getting Things Done, A Sense of Urgency, and The ONE Thing.) Being productive doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice. A to do list doesn’t mean you can’t be spontaneous. It is possible to be… Continue reading Productivity Books: Getting Things Done