I just released my first three of hopefully many widgets for Dashing (the dashboard project released by Shopify). It is also my first time contributing to an open source project. Google Analytics Visitor Count: This is actually a fork of the original widget. I modified it so that I could view the data on multiple… Continue reading New dashboard widgets for Dashing
Amazon product searches
I think this site is too cool not to share. MerchantWords shows you what Amazon users are searching for and how many are searching for a particular term. If you produce/sell a physical product, or are thinking about doing so, then it should be your next stop on the web.
Resources for Startup Engineering Students
There are a bunch of great resources on the Internet for people interested in startups. A lot of people have made the journey before and shared their success stories, mistakes, and wisdom. Many of them share freely and I’ve collected some of those below. Podcasts: Startups for the Rest of Us is a podcast hosted by… Continue reading Resources for Startup Engineering Students
Business Lessons from Ender’s Game
I finally read Ender’s Game in anticipation of the upcoming movie. (I have a lot of sci-fi to catch up on after almost exclusively reading business books for a decade.) I enjoyed the book and found that there were some lessons in there that would apply to business, careers, and personal relationships. The overall theme… Continue reading Business Lessons from Ender’s Game
Zero-Item Inbox Bliss
I finally did it. After years of dreaming about a zero-item inbox I actually decided that I was going to achieve it by the end of the day. That didn’t happen. I was able to achieve zero-inbox bliss within a week of making that decision. And the closer I got the better I felt. I… Continue reading Zero-Item Inbox Bliss
Books for your business and career
A blog with no content isn’t much use so I thought a good first post would be to point you to some great content–some of the books I’ve read that have shaped the way I think about business. Harvard Business Review on Managing Yourself This book is a compilation of advice from business leaders on… Continue reading Books for your business and career