Corporations as an API

One of the most thought provoking books I have read is Accelerando by Charles Stross. The ideas he has about the future of mankind and space travel are sure to influence the discourse around AI, post-humanism, and space exploration as technology–aided by the continued expansion of computing power–continues its relentless march forward. However, there was… Continue reading Corporations as an API

Startups for the Rest of Us Notes 2021

Episode 530 | Making Development Decisions, Regrets about Selling, and More Listener Questions (with Derrick Reimer)Date: 2021-01-05Link Someone should be in the leadership position on what the core values are and what types of technologies to use. It really helps to establish some guiding principles (for picking technology). If you are going to use a… Continue reading Startups for the Rest of Us Notes 2021

The Computers of My Life

Headstart Explorer photo from Obsolete Computer Museum

For some of us, the loves of our life include the computers that much of the rest of our life revolves around. They provided us entertainment and helped satisfy our urges for knowledge and power. We may speak of our old computers as others may speak of past lovers. These are mine. My grandfather’s 8086… Continue reading The Computers of My Life

Categorized as Technology

Security Questions

Photo by Bernard Hermant on Unsplash

Security questions are evil. I am not even convinced that they are a necessary evil. In my younger days I would answer each security question with some variation of “F*** YOU” and then diligently record each security question and answer in the Excel file I kept for recording my passwords. Now I use a password… Continue reading Security Questions

Categorized as Technology

Your Next Five Moves

I have long held the belief that business content (conference talks, books, podcasts, blog posts) fall on a spectrum between inspirational and actionable. The very best content is both–it not only makes you want to conquer the world but tells you exactly how to do it. Often, content falls at one of the extremes. Purely… Continue reading Your Next Five Moves

Enterprise Knowledge Base (and Microsoft’s Lack Thereof)

Photo by Iker Urteaga on Unsplash

Once businesses reach a certain size (usually when they have two or more people filling the same role–e.g. two client support people or two devops people) they realize they need a repository where they can store knowledge to be shared internally across the organization. That first knowledge base probably consists of some .doc files in… Continue reading Enterprise Knowledge Base (and Microsoft’s Lack Thereof)