The title might be some hyperbole but a while ago I listened in on a product meeting that was eye opening in the sense that the bureaucracy explains why the product is in the state it is in after investing substantial amount of time in developing it. It was also a cautionary tale for every… Continue reading The Worst Product Meeting Ever
Tag: software
“Software Eating the World” is about demographics
Five years ago Marc Andreessen wrote a famous essay titled, “Why Software is Eating the World.” In it he states that “More and more major businesses and industries are being run on software and delivered as online services—from movies to agriculture to national defense.” The reasoning behind that are that the cost of running servers… Continue reading “Software Eating the World” is about demographics
Four areas you can improve your workflows
Recently at work I’ve been pushing us to do something that none of us do often enough. That is to take a step back and examine the workflows that we go through every day without really thinking about them. As your business changes, and the technology you use changes, there might be many things that… Continue reading Four areas you can improve your workflows
Excel Needs to Die
I love Excel. We’ve been buddies since the Windows 3.1 days. It took me through school and well into my work life. I’ve strayed a few times and used Open Office (at home on my Linux desktop) and am finding I’m doing more of my personal projects in Google Drive but I still spend a… Continue reading Excel Needs to Die